Clothes are changing just as our life that needs to move on.
Author: admin
Summer vibes
Summer vibes are finally here!
Chill Out
Chill Out cause summer is only a couple of steps away…
Coachella Festival
Coachella Festival is considered to be the most popular music & art festivals in California.
L.A Queen
Hi lovelies! Do you like my new top of L.A Queen? Recently I started buying more printed tops than usual.
Rose Metallic
Clothes have been portrayed as a reflection of our own personality, and what is happening around the world.
80’s fashion
In 1980, fashion was considered to be elegant, with a contrast of looking manly, which calls tomboy today.
Casual Romance
Summer is on its way – which means that it’s time for thinking about hiding the heavy winter clothes…
Selfie Time!
Hi lovelies did you miss me? I was off for a week since I was busy planning about my upcoming trips around the world
American Wild Girl…
Just recently I was walking around my city and discovered a graffiti wall which reminded me of the famous Wynwood wall in Miami.